From the Website:
Mass Cultural Council’s “CultureRx”: Evaluation of a Social Prescription Pilot is an exciting new report that explores intersections of arts, culture, and health. It provides an overall description of social prescribing, the origins and practice in the UK, and how we have adapted community care models and innovated to provide a pilot of social prescribing as part of the CultureRx Initiative here in Massachusetts. By taking a deeper look with pilot participants, cultural organizations, and their healthcare partners, a robust team evaluated the work of the Social Prescription Pilot Program from a multitude of perspectives through surveys, focus groups, and interviews. The report draws upon this data to provide a solid understanding of successes, barriers, and opportunities. With this foundation, the report also offers recommendations from cultural organizations and healthcare providers. In addition, the lead evaluator provides 13 recommendations not only for the next phase of the Agency’s programs, but for additional efforts or potential pilots across the nation that may wish to implement and sustain social prescription programs.
subject terms
Aging & Longevity > Health: Brain & Mental
Aging & Longevity > Positive Aging
Aging & Longevity > Vitality & Wellness
Community Engagement > Community Engagement
Community Engagement > Partnerships
Community Engagement > Private Sector
Community Engagement > Public Sector
Creative Aging > Arts Education
Creative Aging > Creative Aging Model
Creative Aging > Creative Expression
Creative Aging > Skills Mastery
Creative Aging > Social Engagement
Creative Aging > Teaching Artistry
Tessa Brinza,
Tasha Golden
Maria Kuge
Alyson Lokuta,
Maanasa Mendu
Aanchal Mohanty
Rodrigo Monterrey
Nicole Morgan
T.W. Ng
Alyssa Tiedemann
related organization
Mass Cultural Council