Submit a Resource


We are publishing information on topics related to creative aging:

  1. Sequential, skill-building, socially-engaging, responsive artmaking programs for older adults (in-person and online)
  2. Anti-ageism initiatives
  3. Efforts that combat social isolation in older adults
  4. LGBTQIA arts programming for older adults
  5. Multi-generational artmaking programs
  6. Professional development for community educators and teaching artists

If your submission is accepted, your name and any organizational affiliation you provide will be displayed on the resource listing.

Required fields below are marked with an asterisk ("*").

Describe the Resource

Section 1 of 5

Please choose a resource type that most closely aligns with the existing options from the menu below.
Note: please ignore the "case studies" option in the drop-down menu below. We will develop a separate form for this type of content. Thank you.

Please enter the main title of this resource.

Please provide a few original sentences describing this resource and providing context for your submission.

Please add any terms or phrases (separated by commas) which you believe will aid others in finding this resource via search.

Add Publication Details

Section 2 of 5

Please include the full title of publication. For example, The New York Times (correct) vs. NY Times (incorrect).

Please enter the primary contributor's First Name and Last Name. If only their First Name initial is given, please enter that followed by a period, e.g., "J. Doe."

Please check this box if this resource has more than one contributor. Lifetime Arts will include them when reviewing and finalizing the submissions.

Provide Access/Media Info

Section 3 of 5

IMPORTANT: Please be sure to provide ‘http://’ or ‘https://’ prefix to your URL links. Correct: Incorrect:

Please note: the database only supports YouTube and Vimeo embed links.

Will others need to pay for access to this resource?

Please upload a low-resolution (72 dpi) image that measures between 500-1000 pixels in width and height.

Maximum filesize: 1MB.

This text is used by screenreaders.

Please include First Name and Last Name, and/or affiliated Organization if available and applicable.

Provide Any Relevant Details

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Please select all relevant organization types.

Please select all relevant program site types.

Please specify any relevant artforms and artistic disciplines.

Tell Us About Yourself

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Please enter your first name and last name if different from Contributor’s Full Name.