Browse “2023 International Creative Aging Summit”
2023 International Creative Aging Summit
Paradigm Shift: Advancing the Cultural Rights of Older People A Free, Virtual Convening on June 6 and 7, 2023 The 3rd annual International Creative Aging Summit channeled the collective energy of more than 250 arts and …
Aboriginal community-controlled art centres: Keeping Elders strong and connected. Articulating an ontologically situated, intergenerational model of care
Research and Studies
Abstract From Article: Objective: To articulate how Aboriginal community-controlled art centres support the role of Elders and older people within an ontologically situated, intergenerational model of care. Methods: In this paper, we draw on stories …
Age-Friendly Standards: What Are They?
From the Report: Organisations that sign-up to the Age-Friendly Standards value all generations and want to provide a welcoming and positive experience for everyone, regardless of their age. Whilst many of the Age-Friendly Standards relate …
Age-Friendly Technology Design: A Practical Guide for Designers and Developers of Digital Experiences
From the Executive Summary: Digital technology plays a significant role in the lives of older adults, who comprise a large and growing segment of the multibillion-dollar market for consumer electronics and apps. But too often, …
Around the World in 80 Creative Ageing Projects
via The Baring Foundation | Reports
From the report details: In the spirit of Phileas Fogg (who had open credit with Barings Bank), this book reveals 80 projects offering arts (of all forms) to older people from Europe, Asia, the US, …
Art Centres Supporting Our Elders
From the National Ageing Research Institute (NARI) Webpage: This story, a combined version of the three short films, invites the audience to listen to Elders, artists and staff from three Aboriginal community-controlled art centres as …
Arts Council England: Social Prescribing
From the Website: Social prescribing can connect people to a range of activities that are typically provided by voluntary and community sector organisations such as volunteering, arts activities, group learning, gardening, befriending, cookery, healthy eating …
Arts for Brain Health Final Video
From the YouTube Video Description: This project aims to utilize artistic creativity to improve social engagement opportunities for people living with dementia, ultimately transforming the healthcare experiences of patients, professional caregivers, and family members, with …
Breaking the Age Code
Books and Chapters
About the Book: The often-surprising results of Levy’s science offer stunning revelations about the mind-body connection. She demonstrates that many health problems formerly considered to be entirely due to the aging process, such as memory …
Careful Planning and Continuous Refinement: Online Programming Success for Museo de Historia, Antropología, y Arte
Case Studies
Having been a member of the 2019-2020 Aroha’ Philanthropies’ Seeding Vitality Arts in Museums cohort, Museo de Historia, Antropología, y Arte had some experience delivering remote creative aging programming when they applied for and received …