A 2021 issue of The Stanford Social Science Review, titled “Meeting the Multigenerational Moment,” offered a set of 8 essays exploring, “how fresh thinking and new social arrangements hold the potential to make the most of an increasingly multigenerational society.” The Introduction to the essays, titled “Overcoming Age Segregation,” by Marc Freedman and Trent Stamp, examines “how social innovation can reshape a century of generational separation in the United States, and bring together the talents of young and old to improve life for all.” This piece, and other essays in the set, provide an intellectual context for practitioners, researchers and advocates working to develop or advance art-based intergenerational programs.
subject terms
Aging & Longevity > Aging & Longevity
Aging & Longevity > Positive Aging
Aging & Longevity > Social Interaction & Isolation
Creative Aging > Intergenerational Programming
Marc Freedman
Trent Stamp
related organizations
The Eisner Foundation
resource type
Articles and Blog Postsyear
age segregation, Intergenerational, Multigenerational, Stanford Social Innovation Review