This article focuses on “Secret Country,” a digital theatre piece created by the Re-Live Company of Elders based in Cardiff, Wales. Drawing on the pandemic experience of the company’s nine members , ages 72-93, “Secret country” provided an opportunity for cast members to share, and reflect on, the isolation they felt during the pandemic and the ways in which they coped. Despite their ages and infirmities, they were proud to be independent throughout the pandemic. The article also discusses the company’s collaborative approach to theatre-making and their commitment to transforming prevailing stereotypes of aging people as dependent and vulnerable.
subject terms
Aging & Longevity > Lifelong Learning
Aging & Longevity > Positive Aging
Creative Aging > Arts Education
Creative Aging > Creative Expression
Creative Aging > Program Models
Creative Aging > Skills Mastery
Creative Aging > Social Engagement
related organization
Re-Live Older Adult Theatre Group