In 2018, the van Gogh Museum — one of the best known and visited museums in the Netherlands — organized special days at the museum for visitors 70+, many of whom had not previously visited the Museum. Museum staff commissioned MARE, a research group, to conduct research on these visitors with the goal of learning how the museum might serve them through special activities and programs. This research revealed that the program encourages elderly people to actively participate in art and culture. It also clearly stimulates a desire amongst elderly people to participate in more activities in this field.
subject terms
Aging & Longevity > Adult Education
Aging & Longevity > Health: Brain & Mental
Aging & Longevity > Health: Physical
Aging & Longevity > Positive Aging
Aging & Longevity > Vitality & Wellness
Community Engagement > Diversity and Inclusion
Creative Aging > Arts Education
Creative Aging > Creative Expression
related organization
Van Gogh Museum
resource type
Research and Studiesyear
Accessibility, Amsterdam, Inclusion