Report on a qualitative research project that focused on the question of how an art gallery could serve an aging population. Material was collection by the Gallery on the view of participants and all others involved in the project, such as coordinators and interns. With case studies, interviews and observations this study provides a model for examining the benefits of creative aging programs undertaken by professional arts organizations in collaboration with its older community members. The section titled “The People Behind the Program: the Stories” suggests the range of impacts. One participant remarked: “I never expected this to be such a great success with an un-artistic group like ours.
subject terms
Aging & Longevity > Adult Education
Aging & Longevity > Lifelong Learning
Aging & Longevity > Social Interaction & Isolation
Creative Aging > Arts Education
Creative Aging > Creative Aging Model
Creative Aging > Creative Expression
Creative Aging > Program Models
Creative Aging > Social Engagement
Creative Aging > Teaching Artistry
Kate Hamblin
Sarah Harper
related organizations
Dulwich Picture Gallery
Oxford Institute of Aging