Resilience is multifaceted and complex. It is wrought by a number of individual psychosocial and physiological attributes and resources, and tends to develop best in the context of a supportive environment. The literature reveals a variety of definitions, a broad array of human characteristics that correlate with resilience, and a host of potential interventions. Research on resilience in the elderly is limited, partly in response to still-prevalent ageist stereotypes. There remains much to be learned from resilient elders themselves, particularly from those who are aging successfully.
subject terms
Aging & Longevity > Ageism & Advocacy
Aging & Longevity > Health: Brain & Mental
Aging & Longevity > Positive Aging
Aging & Longevity > Social Interaction & Isolation
Creative Aging > Creative Aging Model
Creative Aging > Skills Mastery
Creative Aging > Social Engagement
Carol Hoare
related organization
The George Washington University