Debra Pasquerette, teaching artist and Manager of Community Engagement at The Wallis Annenberg Center for Performing Arts in Beverly Hills CA, teaches “Staged Stories,” a storytelling/memoir program part of GRoW @ The Wallis, the Center’s lifelong learning initiative. Her and her students were preparing for their culminating event when the COVID-19 crisis forced them to cancel. Feeling compelled to find a way to stay connected, Debra extended the curriculum beyond the original 8 weeks to allow for additional meetings via Zoom.
subject terms
Creative Aging > Arts Education
Annie Montgomery
resource type
Articles and Blog Postsyear
Beverly Hills, Connect Through Creativity Now, Creative Aging Programming, Debra Pasquerette, National Guild for Community Arts Education, The Wallis Annenberg Center for Performing Arts
art forms
creative aging initiative
Catalyzing Creative Aging (National Guild for Community Arts Education)