Since March 2020, the San Francisco Community Music Center (CMC) has developed several new ways to adapt their Older Adult Choir Program (OACP), which serves nearly 400 older adults in senior centers throughout San Francisco, to a successful online learning platform. To keep their dynamic choir communities connected during COVID-19, the CMC worked with their senior center partners, where brick and mortar choirs take place, to create instructional videos on their YouTube Channel, which led to implementing sessions on Zoom.
subject terms
Creative Aging > Arts Education
Creative Aging > Social Engagement
Creative Aging > Teaching Artistry
Jacqueline DuMont
program site name
San Francisco Community Music Center (CMC)state
resource type
Articles and Blog Postsyear
Connect Through Creativity Now, Older Adult Choir Program (OACP)
art forms
Music (Instrumental), Music (Vocal), Performing Arts