
From the report details:
How is Finland approaching the creative and cultural rights of and provision for older people? This report is aimed at practitioners such as artists and carers, as well as policy makers and funders anywhere in the world with an interest in what more can be done to support older people, especially vulnerable older people, to take part in culture and creativity. It includes a set of 18 case studies, as well as useful information about the Finnish context and reflections in relation to the field of creative aging in the UK.
subject terms
Community Engagement > Community Based Learning
Community Engagement > Community Engagement
Creative Aging > Arts Education
David Cutler
Raisa Karttunen
Jenni Räsänen
related organization
Baring Foundation (UK)
resource type
case studies, creative ageing, culture, Europe, Finland, UK
program site types
Arts Organizations, Museums, Naturally Occurring Retirement Communities (NORC), Online and Remote, Senior Centers, Senior Housing