From guest editor Dr. Raquel Chapin Stephenson: “I am proud to introduce the rich and meaningful work of a handful of creative aging professionals in this special issue. As an art therapist, artist, educator and researcher, I am particularly interested in highlighting the intersection of related fields that work toward the common mission of improving the lives of older Americans. Janine Tursini, the Executive Director of Arts for the Aging (AFTA), discusses the seminal work of AFTA, Best Practices Creative Aging Arts Program, from her position as a director/administrator. Anne Mondro, Professor of Art at the University of Michigan, discusses her community artwork with older adults from an artist/researcher/educator perspective. Teaching artist, Anthony Hyatt, illustrates his work with Quicksilver Dance Company as well as other work he has done as a musician working with older adults. Donna Newman-Bluestein, dance movement therapist, inventor of the Octaband, explains how dance/movement therapy reaches older adults with dementia.”
subject terms
Aging & Longevity > Health: Brain & Mental
Aging & Longevity > Social Interaction & Isolation
Creative Aging > Arts Education
Creative Aging > Creative Aging Model
Creative Aging > Social Engagement
A. Hyatt
Raquel Stephenson
J. Tursini
related organization
Arts for the Aging (AFTA)