From the Minnesota Conservatory for the Arts (MCA) site:
“MCA is so excited to be continuing to offer unique programs geared towards adults ages 55+. During this home based class, each participant will get a package of supplies to create with over the 8-week period as well as guided lesson plans. However, unlike other DIY (Do-it-Yourself) art kits, students be sending and receiving postcards from other area residents and receiving check-ins by the instructor. Registrations can expect to learn new artistic techniques, be encouraged to set aside time to be creative, and feel more connected to others during this challenging time. Please see the description below for class details.”
subject terms
Creative Aging > Arts Education
Jamie Schwaba
related organization
Minnesota Conservatory for the Arts
resource type
Articles and Blog Postsyear
Art in a Box, At Home Activities, Creative Aging Programming