Arts on Prescription: A Field Guide for US Communities offers a roadmap for communities to develop programs that formally integrate arts, culture, and nature resources into local health and social care systems. Arts on prescription programs allow healthcare providers and social service agencies to “prescribe” arts activities, cultural experiences, and time in nature to support their patients’ or clients’ health, wellbeing and quality of life.
Listen to Tasha Golden and Jill Sonke discuss the field guide in-depth during the University of Florida Center for Arts in Medicine webinar.
subject terms
Aging & Longevity > Aging & Longevity
Aging & Longevity > Health: Brain & Mental
Aging & Longevity > Health: Physical
Creative Aging > Arts Education
Creative Aging > Social Engagement
Tasha Golden
Jill Sonke
related organizations
Mass Cultural Council
UF Center for Arts in Medicine