
From the report details:
In the spirit of Phileas Fogg (who had open credit with Barings Bank), this book reveals 80 projects offering arts (of all forms) to older people from Europe, Asia, the US, Australia and New Zealand. Includes a set of travel itineraries to help you plan a creative ageing journey of your own. Also available in Chinese courtesy of the British Council.
subject terms
Accessibility & Inclusive Design
Creative Aging > Arts Education
Creative Aging > Creative Aging Model
Creative Aging > Program Models
Creative Aging > Social Engagement
David Cutler
related organization
Baring Foundation (UK)
resource type
Asia, Australia, creative ageing, Europe, global, New Zealand, UK, US
program site types
Arts Organizations, Community Centers, Libraries, Museums, Naturally Occurring Retirement Communities (NORC), Online and Remote, Senior Centers, Senior Housing