
Designing an Inclusive Creative Aging Program: Teaching Artist Tips from Lifetime Arts Trainers


This video is part of our latest issue of The Creative Aging Resource Journal, and features Lifetime Arts Trainers sharing teaching artist best practices and programming examples for designing an inclusive creative aging program. The …

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Social Prescribing for the Arts: A Promising Framework for Arts & Health Collaboration in the U.S. & Beyond


In this roundtable discussion, we explore the emerging research and practices of social prescribing for the arts (SPA) in the U.S. and other countries with arts and health professionals; Tasha Golden, PhD, Director of Research at …

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What is Social Prescribing? (Video)


From the YouTube Description: This short animation explains what it social prescribing is, how it works and the benefits to individuals’ health and wellbeing.

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From Training to Practice: Embedding Creative Aging in Our States (NASAA Panel)


From the YouTube Video Description: Every state’s plan for serving older adults through meaningful arts engagement will (and should) look different. Creative aging programs thrive when they are rooted in authentic collaboration and are responsive …

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Sirkus Magenta: Aerial Arts for Eldery People


From the Sirkus Magenta Website: Sirkus Magenta is a nonprofit, nonreligious and nonpolitical social circus association based in Helsinki, Finland. We use circus as a tool to promote mental and physical well-being, social inclusion, equality …

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E.A. Michelson Philanthropy: Videos to Inspire


From the E.A. Michelson Philanthropy Website: Enjoy these brief inspirational videos from E.A. Michelson Philanthropy. We encourage you to share them — just click the paper airplane icon in the upper-right corner of each. To …

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Tenantspin: End of Transmission (Video)


From the YouTube Video Description: This 15 min documentary is the ‘incomplete guide’ to Tenantspin, it celebrates the project and the people involved. It is the story of the groundbreaking community art project that evolved …

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Connecting Through Culture As We Age: Co-Researcher Film Series


From the Website: During the last year of Connecting through Culture there have been many discussions with and between co-researchers on personal creative passions, things that people would like to try, things that people would …

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Arts for Brain Health Final Video


From the YouTube Video Description: This project aims to utilize artistic creativity to improve social engagement opportunities for people living with dementia, ultimately transforming the healthcare experiences of patients, professional caregivers, and family members, with …

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VR Brings Nigeria’s Stars Into Care Homes


From the Video Description: Nigerians living in elderly care homes are getting a chance to watch their favorite musicians come alive through virtual reality. Olivia Chan reports.

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