Arts Service Org

Organizational description provided by CADA:
We’re CADA, England’s Creative Ageing Development Agency, we believe that we all have a right to create and take an active part in creativity and cultural life at any age. We are working to lead a fundamental rethink and reflection on ageing and creativity, challenging ageism in the arts and heritage sectors, and society more widely. Society is richer when all older people are visible and valued; when communities come together to share arts, culture, and heritage through the lens of age and experience, and when there are opportunities for everyone to emerge, or re-emerge, as a creative talent in later life. We want to celebrate and champion the cultural contribution of older people, and harness that collective energy to support change. CADA is funded by the Baring Foundation, Greater Manchester Combined Authority and Arts Council England and hosted by Manchester Museum.
Related Resources
- 2023 International Creative Aging Summit
- Beyond Older Age: Approaches to Understand the Diverse Lives of Older People
- Int’l Creative Aging Summit Resource Guide
- Participatory Arts Programming for Older Adults in Museums: Trends in Europe, the UK, and Canada
- Research Exploring Older Populations in England and Older People’s Engagement with Culture
- Visionaries: A South Asian Arts and Ageing Counter Narrative (Executive Summary)
- Visionaries: A South Asian Arts and Ageing Counter Narrative (Full Report)