Browse “Libraries”
50+ Library Services: Innovation in Action
Books and Chapters
Some of the most engaged and frequent users of public libraries are over the age of 50. They may also be the most misunderstood. As Baby Boomers continue to swell their ranks, the behavior, interests, …
Americans for Libraries Council
ALC’s Mission Statement: Americans for Libraries Council (ALC) is a national nonprofit that advocates for libraries at the national level, and develops and promotes programs aimed at realizing the potential of libraries in the 21st …
Designs for Change: Libraries and Productive Aging
From the executive summary: On September 26-27, 2005, Americans for Libraries Council (ALC) and the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) convened a Library Leaders Forum, Designs for Change: Libraries and Productive Aging, to …
Diantha Dow Schull
Diantha Dow Schull is Principal and Founder of DDSchull Associates LLC, providing advisory and training services for museums, libraries, foundations and nonprofits. She is also a cultural organization program specialist and has led the development …
Library Makeovers Draw Seniors
Articles and Blog Posts
From the article: The over-65 population “will double in size by 2025, and libraries are realizing that this is a potentially new and exciting market,” says Kleiman, who has consulted with libraries across America on …
Palaces for the People: How Social Infrastructure Can Help Fight Inequality, Polarization, and the Decline of Civic Life
Books and Chapters
From Eric Klinenberg’s site: “In Palaces for the People, Eric Klinenberg suggests a way forward. He believes that the future of democratic societies rests not simply on shared values but on shared spaces: the libraries, …
Urban Libraries Council
From the website: The Urban Libraries Council has spent 50 years enriching communities by strengthening and promoting the value of libraries as essential public assets. ULC provides a forum for library leaders to share best …