Browse “Intergenerational interactions”
Building Bridges Across Age and Cognitive Barriers Through Art: College Students’ Reflections on an Intergenerational Program With Elders Who Have Dementia
via Journal of Intergenerational Relationships | Research and Studies
From the abstract: The positive impact of intergenerational service learning experience on college students’ academic and personal development is well documented. However, it is not clear whether students engaged in such programs with elders who …
Generations Together
From the website: Generations Together (GT) is an international center for intergenerational studies at the University of Pittsburgh. It furthers program development, education and training, research, and dissemination, and technical support that helps professionals acquire …
Intergenerational Interaction Through Reminiscence Processes
via Journal of Intergenerational Relationships | Research and Studies
From the article: From July to December 2002 an intergenerational intervention was conducted with 111 students and 32 elders, who shared their life stories during class time. A Focus group technique was used to evaluate …