Browse “Gerontology”

Aging and the Elderly: Humanistic Perspectives in Gerontology

via Atlantic Highlands   |   Books and Chapters

From the WorldCat website: The volume presents a humanistic perspective on aging and the elderly, drawing on scholars in ancient and modern cultures, religious thought, literature, philosophy, art, poetry, and drama.

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Aging in the Social Space

Books and Chapters

A publication called, “Aging in the Social Space” is a compilation of studies, which deal with theoretical understanding and empirical solutions, learning about problem spheres, specifying content parallels of social, legal, economic, moral and ethical …

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British Society of Gerontology Creative Ageing SIG (England)

‘Established in 1971, The British Society of Gerontology (BSG) provides a multidisciplinary forum for researchers and other individuals interested in the situations of older people, and in how knowledge about aging and later life can be enhanced …

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Creative Aging: Drawing on the Arts to Enhance Healthy Aging

Books and Chapters

From the abstract: The term “creative aging,” in the broadest sense, describes an aging policy idea that focuses on highlighting the creativity of older adults in order to prepare individuals and communities to manage old …

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Harry (Rick) Moody

From the website: Harry (Rick) Moody, Ph.D., retired as Vice President and Director of Academic Affairs for AARP in Washington, DC. He is currently Visiting Professor at Fielding Graduate University and also serves as a …

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The International Longevity Center – Columbia Aging Center


From the website: The Columbia Aging Center builds upon the work of the International Longevity Center (ILC-USA), which was founded in 1990 by the gerontologist and psychiatrist, Robert N. Butler, MD. Under Robert Butler’s leadership, …

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