Browse “Demo class”
Creative Aging 101: Closing Expressions Exercise Demonstration
Creative Aging 101 Resource
In this artmaking and social engagement demonstration, Lifetime Arts Trainer, Lauren Jost, leads a closing activity where participants use hand and facial expressions to show how they feel about their writing. This activity may be …
Creative Aging 101: Collaborative Poem Activity Demonstration
Creative Aging 101 Resource
In this artmaking and social engagement demonstration, Lauren Jost teaches participants to use short poems they created individually to create a collaborative poem. This activity may be used in a storytelling or writing course and …
Creative Aging 101: Creating Short Poems Using Similes & Metaphors Demonstration
Creative Aging 101 Resource
In this artmaking and social engagement demonstration, Lauren Jost leads an activity where participants create short poems using similes and metaphors. This activity may be used in a storytelling or writing course and showcases ways …
Creative Aging 101: Creating Similes & Metaphors Using Senses & Memories Demonstration
Creative Aging 101 Resource
In this artmaking and social engagement demonstration, Lauren Jost leads an activity where participants create similes and metaphors from memory using guided imagery. This activity may be used in a storytelling or writing course, and …
Creative Aging 101: Group Introductions with Adjectives & Similes Demonstration
Creative Aging 101 Resource
In this artmaking and social engagement demonstration, Lauren Jost leads an opening exercise using adjectives and similes. This activity may be used in a storytelling or writing course, and showcases ways in which social engagement …