Browse “Audio”
A Clearer Map for Aging: ‘Elderhood’ Shows How Geriatricians Help Seniors Thrive
via National Public Radio | Audio and Podcasts
In this podcast, geriatrician, Dr. Louise Aronson, shares her thoughts on the health and care of older people in the U.S., narrowing in on topics like how the immune system changes with age, the importance …
Dr. Vivek Murthy and Brené Brown on Loneliness and Connection
via Unlocking Us with Brené Brown | Audio and Podcasts
“Have you ever struggled with feeling lonely – even when you’re surrounded by people you love? I have. It’s painful and confusing. In this episode, I talk to Dr. Vivek Murthy, a physician and the …
Feeling Artsy? Here’s How Making Art Helps Your Brain
via NPR, National Public Radio | Audio and Podcasts
From the NPR site: “I do these things partly because it’s fun and entertaining. But I suspect there’s something deeper going on. Because when I create, I feel like it clears my head. It helps …
How Art Changes Us
via National Public Radio | Audio and Podcasts
From NPR: “Art can evoke powerful feelings. But can it do more? This hour, TED speakers share ideas on the transformative nature of art and its ability to shape the way we see ourselves and …
SilverKite Tales: Inspiring Stories About the Arts and Connection
Audio and Podcasts
Silver Kite Community Arts has developed a monthly podcast, Kite Tales, that features personal stories about how the arts can play a role in fostering cross-generational connections. Each episode includes a SilverKite teaching artist who …
Social Prescribing for the Arts: A Promising Framework for Arts & Health Collaboration in the U.S. & Beyond
Diantha Dow Schull talks with arts and health professionals on the emerging research and practices of social prescribing for the arts (SPA) in the U.S. and other countries.
Social Prescribing for the Arts: A Promising Framework for Arts & Health Collaboration in the U.S. & Beyond
Creative Aging Resource Journals
In this issue, we explore the emerging research and practices of social prescribing for the arts (SPA) and discuss the future of SPA efforts as a vital component of arts and health services in the …
Steven Johnson: Why We’re Living Longer
via, TED Talks | Audio and Podcasts
From the TED Radio Hour on In the last century, human life expectancy has doubled. This hour, we talk with writer Steven Johnson on the many breakthroughs that made this possible — and where …
The Benefits of Creative Aging Programming in the Theatre Arts
Audio and Podcasts
In this roundtable discussion, Lifetime Arts invited Diantha Dow Schull, Julie Kline, Education Designer and Trainer and theatre teaching artist, and Ed Friedman, Lifetime Arts’ former Co-Founder/Executive Director, to discuss the benefits of creative aging …
You’re Overlooking a Source of Diversity: Age
Audio and Podcasts
From “A conversation with Miami University professor Megan Gerhardt on benefiting from generational differences. Megan Gerhardt, management professor at Miami University, studies the impact of generational conflict on organizations. She says too many leaders …