Browse “Diversity & Inclusion”

“Unboxed” LGBTQ Intergenerational Online Digital Storytelling Project

Articles and Blog Posts

This program announcement describes “Unboxed,” the Denver Public Library’s LGBTQ Intergenerational Online Digital Storytelling Project. Held during 2020-2021, during the pandemic, “Unboxed” brought together older adults identifying at LGBTQ+ with teen-agers who also identified as …

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A Community Choir Intervention to Promote Well-Being Among Diverse Older Adults: Results From the Community of Voices Trial

via The Oxford Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences   |   Research and Studies

This article reports on a randomized control study of the effects of a Community of Voices choir intervention on the “health, well-being and health care costs of racial/ethnically diverse” adults 60 years and older. Sixty-five …

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A Review of Arts and Aging Research: Revealing an Elusive but Promising Direction for the Era of the Third Age

via Humanities and the Arts, Journal of Aging   |   Research and Studies

Abstract: “This article examines arts and aging research over a 40-year period in four highly visible gerontology journals. We examine the content, amount, and distribution of research between 1970 and 2009, identifying dominant themes and …

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AARP’s BACK TO WORK 50+ Program

Programs and Initiatives

From the AARP Site: 50+ jobseekers need help gaining skills, finding jobs and building financial security. One promising approach is to encourage existing community intermediaries — like community colleges and workforce investment boards — to …

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Aboriginal community-controlled art centres: Keeping Elders strong and connected. Articulating an ontologically situated, intergenerational model of care

Research and Studies

Abstract From Article: Objective: To articulate how Aboriginal community-controlled art centres support the role of Elders and older people within an ontologically situated, intergenerational model of care. Methods: In this paper, we draw on stories …

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Age-Friendly New York City Initiative

Programs and Initiatives

From the Age-Friendly NYC Site: Started as a public-private partnership in 2007, NYAM’s Age-friendly NYC initiative has catalyzed hundreds of changes throughout the city. We have successfully created Age-friendly Neighborhoods, increased pedestrian safety, showed thousands …

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Age-Friendly Standards: What Are They?


From the Report: Organisations that sign-up to the Age-Friendly Standards value all generations and want to provide a welcoming and positive experience for everyone, regardless of their age. Whilst many of the Age-Friendly Standards relate …

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Age-Friendly Technology Design: A Practical Guide for Designers and Developers of Digital Experiences


From the Executive Summary:  Digital technology plays a significant role in the lives of older adults, who comprise a large and growing segment of the multibillion-dollar market for consumer electronics and apps. But too often, …

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Ageism in America

Research and Studies

From the Introduction to this study from The Anti-Ageism Taskforce at The International Longevity Center: “…it must be noted that the status of older persons and our attitudes toward them are not only rooted in …

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Arts engagement trends in the United Kingdom and their mental and social wellbeing implications: HEartS Survey

Research and Studies

Over the past two decades evidence about the role of the arts in promoting health and wellbeing has grown substantially, including studies reporting the impacts of arts engagement for older adults. However, much evidence is …

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