This guide is designed to encourage the participation of seniors in the classroom by engaging young and old in joint ventures to reconstruct artistically their own, their families’, and their communities’ cultural heritage in writing, theater, and visual arts projects. Intended for both teachers and artists working in the schools, the book presents an inviting case and useful suggestions for intergenerational projects that enhance the school curriculum. Drawing on the metaphor of a cookbook, the guide offers a series of side dishes in which students interview seniors from their families and communities and develop simple writing projects for students and seniors to undertake together on the theme of community history. Six chapters outline various successful projects and specific plans and include sample questionnaires plus additional project ideas.
subject terms
Aging & Longevity > Social Interaction & Isolation
Community Engagement > Community Engagement
Creative Aging > Arts Education
Creative Aging > Intergenerational Programming
Creative Aging > Program Models
Creative Aging > Social Engagement
Creative Aging > Teaching Artistry