Interventions to Reduce Ageism Against Older Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis


From the abstract: “Research has found a strong link between ageism, in the form of negative stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination toward older people, and risks to their physical and mental health. Little is known, however, about the effectiveness of strategies to reduce ageism. To assess the relative effects of 3 intervention types designed to reduce ageism among youths and adults___education, intergenerational contact, and combined education and intergenerational contact___by conducting a systematic review and meta-analysis.

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subject terms

Aging & Longevity

Aging & Longevity > Ageism & Advocacy

Aging & Longevity > Health: Brain & Mental

Aging & Longevity > Health: Physical

Aging & Longevity > Social Interaction & Isolation

Community Engagement

Community Engagement > Community Based Learning

Community Engagement > Diversity & Inclusion

Creative Aging > Intergenerational Programming


Chantal Barber

David Burnes

Richenda Cope

Charles Henderson

Karl Pillemer

Christine Sheppard

Monica Wassel

related organization

American Public Health Association

resource type

Research and Studies
