
From the book description:
“This collection begins with two premises: that our understanding of the nature and forms of creativity in later life remains limited and that dialogue between specialists in gerontology, the arts and humanities can produce the crucial new insights that are so obviously needed. Representing the outcome of ongoing dialogue across the disciplinary divide, the contributions of this volume reflect anew on what we share and how we differ; creating new narratives so as to build an understanding of late-life creativity that goes far beyond the narrow confines of the pervasively received idea of ‘late style’.”
“Our chapter (Hogan & Bradfield, 2018) sits within the dialogue around the challenges of late-life creativity, by introducing the British policy context. The chapter looks at how different types of creativity in later life can meet the social policy recommendations embodied within the Five Ways to Wellbeing, providing specific examples from a range of arts practices.”
subject terms
Aging & Longevity > Aging & Longevity
Aging & Longevity > Health: Brain & Mental
Aging & Longevity > Health: Physical
David Amigoni
Emily Bradfield
Susan Hogan
Gordon McMullan